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Published Compositions
Clicking on the links usually will take you to the publishers’ websites. Once there, click on “Preview.” for a full or partial sound clip. In some cases, it will take you to a YouTube video or just a sound clip. To purchase scores, buy directly from the publisher.
Published by OCP/Trinitas:
Child of Sweetness (SATB & two Soprano soloists), 1992. Christmas text from the Orthodox Liturgy. (OCP: 4521TR). As performed by San Francisco Choral Artists, under the direction of Magan Solomon.
Magnificat(SATB, a cappella, 1999. Fauxbourdon alternative settings of chant Tone 2D. (OCP: 4582) – for music and sound clip). Youtube video here.
Praise the Lord, my Soul (SATB, Assembly & Organ), 1996. New Zealand Prayerbook Text. To hear and buy an MP3 or order the octave, click on the link. (OCP: 4526TR)

Published by GIA Publications, Inc.
As newborn stars were stirred to song (Hymn tune). Words by Carl Daw. (Copyright owned by GIA Publications, Inc.). As sung by the Girl Choristers of the Washington National Cathedral, Bruce Neswick, director.
As newborn stars were stirred to song (“Concertato” version for SATB Choir, Assembly, Organ and Brass Quartet), 2000. Words by Carl Daw. (Octavo – GIA Publications, Inc. G-8417) (Full score- G-8417 INST)
The Harvest of Justice (SAB Choir with Organ), 1994. James 3, 16, (GIA Publications, Inc. G-10209)
As the Father has loved me (SATB, Cantor, Assembly & Organ), 2009, John 15 RSV (Octavo – GIA Publications, Inc. G-7274) (Music Track – X-7274A)
The Beatitudes (Venite ad me) (SATB Choir, Organ), 2018. A setting suitable for All Saints and general use. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-10208)
Be Merciful, O Lord (Unison or Two-part Choir/Cantor, Assembly & Organ), 1987. Psalm 51, Grail Text. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-3318)
How Firm a Foundation (SSATB, Keyboard & optional Handbell), 1986. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-3223)
Shall We Gather at the River (SATB a cappella), 2002. A sprightly and somewhat jazzy setting of Robert Lowry’s classic tune. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-10207)
Blest be God (Cantor, Assembly, Oboe & Keyboard), 1991. Isaiah 43, New American Bible. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-4128)
Canticle of Moses (Cantor, SATB, Assembly, Flute, & Percussion), 1993. Grail Text. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-4143)
The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns (SATB & optional Keyboard), 1990. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-3744)
Now the Green Blade Rises (SATB, Flute & optional Handbell), 1987. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-3234)
The Wayfaring Stranger (SATB & Organ), 2022, (GIA Publications, Inc. G-10555)
Canticle of Simeon (SATB & Organ with optional Assembly response), 1986. Grail Text. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-3195)
Canticle of Mary (SATB & Organ with optional Assembly response), 1986. Grail Text. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-3194)
My Soul is Thirsting for You (SATB, Assembly), 1986. Psalm 42, I.C.E.L. Text. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-3317)
Our Eyes are Fixed on the Lord (SATB, Cantor, Assembly & Organ), 1988. Psalm 123, Grail Text. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-3319)
Processional for Christmas (Divinum Mysterium) (Two-part Mixed Chorus, Solo, Organ & optional Handbells), 1990. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-3711)
Psalm for Advent (Unison or Two Mixed Voices, Assembly and Keyboard), 1987. Psalm 25, New American Bible. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-3533)
Psalm for Christmas Day (refrain by Richard Proulx) (Cantor, Assembly & Organ), 1989. Psalm 98, Grail Text. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-3631)
Rose Hill Mass (SATB, optional Cantor, Assembly & Organ), 1984. I.C.E.T. Eucharistic Liturgy: Acclamations, Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei. (Out of print)
A Troped Agnus Dei (SATB, Cantor, Assembly & Organ), 1987. (GIA Publications, Inc. G-3235)
Other Publishers
For Glory Dawns Upon You (Two Voices, organ or piano), 1994. Isaiah 60: 6b. (Augsburg, 11-10650)
Let My Prayers Arise Like Incense (SATB, Cantor, Assembly, Handbells, Keyboard), 1985. Psalm 141, Grail Text. (Morning Star, MSM-80-702)
Wonder, Love and Praise (1982) Church Publishing, Inc.
- Missa Simplex (Unison/SATB, Cantor, Assembly, Keyboard & Handbells), 1989/1996 I.C.E.T. Eucharistic Liturgy
- As newborn stars were stirred to song (ALEXANDRA) Hymn setting of text by Carl Daw. C.M.D.
- We praise you, O God (Canticle 21)
- A Song of Jerusalem Our Mother (Canticle E)
- A Song of Lamentation (Canticle F)
- Fraction Anthem: Lamb of God
Unpublished Choral
Don’t hesitate to contact me about unpublished music. In almost all cases, I’m happy to send these pieces to you gratis, as long as you destroy them and buy real copies should they ever become published.
When there is no star to guide you, (SAB, piano or organ), 2021. Text by Thomas Troeger (Oxford) and Tune by me, owned by GIA. I am happy to send this piece to you for free, provided you have
Missa Brevis (SATB Choir, Organ, Brass Quartet, Percussion), 2019. (revised from an earlier version for choir in Latin and Greek): Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei.
Choralemass (Unison/SATB, Assembly & Organ), 1999. Eucharistic setting designed for the Lutheran liturgy, using the metrical tunes as set forth in the Lutheran Book of Worship (ELCA). Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, with organ preludes on the Kyrie and Wir glauben all einen Gott
Preces and Responses (SATB Choir with limited divisi), 2015. Text taken from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, 1662.
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (SATB Choir (limited divisi) and organ or piano), 2015. Text taken from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, 1662. Nunc record by the choir of All Saints, Palo Alto, Rodney P. Gehrke, director.
A Song of True Motherhood (Unison Choir or Solo, Keyboard and optional harp) Text by Julian of Norwich.
Mass for the Saint of Joy (SATB Choir, Congregation, Brass Quartet, Percussion). 2017. A complete setting of the eucharist conforming to the Editio Typica Tertia of the Roman Missal. Language in English and Latin and Greek (Kyrie).
Set Me as a Seal (voice and piano), 2016. Text from the Song of Songs, KJV.
Have you not known? (SATB Choir, soloists and organ), 2009. Influenced by Elizabethan verse anthems, yet written in a modern American style.
The Crucifixion (S/A, B choir or two soloists and organ), 2008. Text from the Speckled Book (12th C.) translated by Howard Mumford Jones.
Sweet Little Jesus Boy (SATB, piano). 2005. Text by Robert MacGimsey. Based on an old spiritual.
Invitatory & Alleluia (Soprano Solo, SATB, Organ), 1985.
Mary Mass (Unison/SATB, Cantor, Assembly & Keyboard & optional wind instrument), 1993. I.C.E.T. Eucharistic Liturgy: Acclamations, Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei.
The Reproaches (Three Equal Voices with optional SATB Choir, a cappella), 1986. Text in English with optional Latin and Greek additions for the Trisagion).
Unity Psalm (Psalm 133) (Soloist, SATB Choir, Organ), 1995. Setting features an English refrain and verses in English and Hebrew (Sound clip features choir and soloists of All Saints Church, Palo Alto, Redney Gehrke, music director).
Two Alleluias (Soprano or Tenor Solo and Keyboard), 1992.
Published Instrumental
Fantasy on the Golden Sequence, 2001 (Found in the collection Bridging the Centuries: The San Diego Organ Anthology, GIA Publications, Inc.)
Play on Royal Oak, 2003 (Found in the collection An Old Melody; Eight Folk Hymn Preludes for Organ, Published by Jackman Music.
Jubilate, Vol. II (A collection of music by various composers) Concordia Publishing House (97-7073)
- Adagio on “Beach Spring”
- Toccatina on “Hymn to Joy”
Jubilate, Vol. III (A collection of music by various composers) Concordia Publishing House (97-7245)
- Ave Maria
- For All the Saints
Unpublished Instrumental
Don’t hesitate to contact me about unpublished music. In almost all cases, I’m happy to send these pieces to you gratis, as long as you destroy them and buy real copies should they ever become published.
Ein feste Burg, Organ Solo, 2017
Veni Creator, Oboe d’Amore and Organ, 2006 (sound clip performed by Susan Barrett, oboe d’amore, Alison Luedecke, organ)
Inscriptions, for full Orchestra and Chorus, 2015 (11 minutes performance time). Texts by various authors and historic figures related to the building of the Panama Canal and inscribed on buildings at the Panama Pacific Exhibition of 1915 in San Francisco.
Summer Carol, Oboe (or Trumpet) and Organ (sound clip performed by Susan Barrett, oboe, Alison Luedecke, organ)
Angels of Grace, Organ, 2008. Theme is based on the clock tower bells of Grace Cathedral, San Francisco. Click on the sound file below to hear an earlier version of this piece (it’s been updated, but hopefully you will get the idea).
Pinot: A Suite in Three Tastings, Organ, Brass Quintet, Percussion, 2008. A through-composed programmatic piece in three sections about a wine tasting adventure.
Variations on Auld Lang Syne, Organ, Brass Quintet, Percussion, 2000. Performed by Millennia Consort.
Antiphon, Brass Quartet and Organ, 2001
Summer Carol, Oboe (or Trumpet) and Organ (sound clip performed by Susan Barrett, oboe, Alison Luedecke, organ)
Carillon: Angels of Grace, Organ, 2008. Theme is based on the clock tower bells of Grace Cathedral, San Francisco.
Pinot: A Suite in Three Tastings, Organ, Brass Quintet, Percussion, 2008. A through-composed programmatic piece in three sections about a wine tasting adventure.
Ceathair, Organ, Brass Quintet, Percussion, 2004. Four pieces based on traditional Celtic songs. (Video of a performance by Alison Luedecke and the Millennia Consort)
- Tiarna Mhaigh Eo (Lord Mayo)
- Dúlamán
- ‘S Umbó Aerá
- Ruaig an Mí-ádh (Banish Misfortune)
Variations on Auld Lang Syne, Organ, Brass Quintet, Percussion, 2000
Antiphon, Brass Quartet and Organ, 2001